Welcome to Alexandria Knolls West Condominium Homes. Condominium ownership is a new lifestyle for many people. If you have previously owned a single-family dwelling or lived in a rental unit, you may be wondering, “who is responsible for what?” regardless of whether you are a member of the Council of Co-Owners or a Lessee (referred to as “residents”).
An individual owns each unit in the same way that a single-family home is owned. The owner receives separate title to the unit and must pay property taxes, which are assessed against the unit, and is also responsible for all maintenance within the unit. Limited maintenance is included in residents’ monthly condo fees; information on this amenity is available through the General Manager’s office.
Each unit owner also has an interest in the common areas, such as the land, roof, lobby, elevators, recreation facilities, parking lots, storage area, and utility systems. All owners pay a monthly condominium charge, which in turn pays for utilities (except for telephone and cable TV) and the maintenance and improvement of the common areas. The Association’s Master Deed and By-laws, on file with the Commonwealth of Virginia, are the basic policies for the development and provide for the governance of the Association. The By-Laws are provided to owners prior to the purchase of their unit. The Association publishes Knolls News to communicate issues and upcoming and ongoing events to all residents. Copies of Knolls News are delivered to individual units and mailed to absentee owners.
When the first residents moved into Alexandria Knolls West in 1975, they weren’t really sure what they were getting themselves into: condominium living was relatively new to Northern Virginia and it was an unknown commodity to many. AKW’s early residents soon developed a solid sense of community and built the foundations that see us through today.
From the beginning there were changes. Originally meant to be a two-building community, AKW became a stand-alone concern when the developer’s financing didn’t support a second building. Renderings in early sales brochures didn’t predict the future with complete accuracy. A second building was planned with a north/south orientation, not the east/west one it sports today. A projected Metro station “within walking distance” on Edsall Road? That never came to pass; it’s now the Van Dorn Station, on Eisenhower Avenue.
Touted amenities included AKW’s proximity to “the new Springfield Mall,” which had opened just two years before this community’s first residents moved in, and featured a Lansburg’s, Garfinckel’s, and a Montgomery Ward. The Shirley Highway–then I-95–would have you to DC in just a few minutes; now The Shirley Highway will still get you to DC, but it has been renumbered to I-395 … and you’ll need a lot more time to make the trip! AKW fit into its surroundings, and infrastructure and amenities grew up around it: AKW touted an unbeatable location!
Several seminal events punctuate AKW’s history, with an August 2007 lightning strike being the most consequential. During a severe evening thunderstorm, AKW was one of two significant lightning strikes that challenged the city’s emergency responses. Several units were damaged but the building’s solid, concrete construction helped keep the ensuing fire from spreading. Positive results of the strike were an upgraded electrical system and better lightning diversion systems.
Alexandria Knolls West has stood now for over forty years on its perch above the intersection of Edsall Road and Yoakum Parkway. Over those years its residents have built a community that is welcoming, comfortable, and a great place to call home.
Are you a resident, former resident, or someone with interesting information about AKW’s history? If so, send a note to the AKW historian, via the contact form!
Council of Co-Owners
The Council of Co-Owners consists of all Co-Owners of the Association. The administration of the condominium is vested in the Council. The Council meets annually in September to elect directors to the Board of Directors to govern the affairs of the Council and to give advice to the Board on the Association’s annual budget. The Master Deed provides for the appointment of a professional General Manager by the Council of Co-Owners, subject to direction by the Board of Directors. The governing documents also provides the appointment of a public accountant or accounting firm as an auditor. The accountant or accounting firm acting as auditors will provide the Council with an annual audit of the Association’s financial records.
Board of Directors
The governing body of Alexandria Knolls West Condominium Homes Association is the Board of Directors. The Board consists of seven (7) members who are elected each September by the Council of Co-Owners for a term of three years on a staggered basis to provide continuity. In case of vacancy the Board by a majority vote will elect a new director who will serve until the next election. The Board supervises the overall management of the building, its property, and monies and has authority to spend money, make rules, and contract for the maintenance and repair of the Association’s property. All expenditures of money must have Board approval. The Board also supervises the preparation of the annual budget. The on-site General Manager conducts most day-to-day administrative functions. The management company provides administrative and financial record-keeping services in response to directives of the Board of Directors. Board Meetings are held monthly. All Co-Owners and residents are invited to attend.
Officers of the Association are annually elected from among the Directors of the Board by the newly assembled Board at a meeting immediately following the annual election. The officers are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The President, as chief executive officer, is the agent for and is responsible to the Board of Directors in carrying out policies directed by the Board and those of the Association and serves at the pleasure of the Board. Day-to-day operations of the building are the responsibility of the property management company, which is accountable to the Board through the President.
The Vice President assists the President when necessary and fills that position in cases of absence from the area or because of illness.
The Treasurer supervises the general handling of Association monies. The Treasurer heads the Budget and Finance Committee which oversees the Association’s financial reserves and reviews the yearly budget before it is presented to the Board for its action.
The Secretary supervises and prepares a record of the minutes of Board meetings, meetings of the Council of Co-Owners, and other official meetings of the Association. The Secretary also issues all meeting notices.
Budget and Finance: Headed by the Treasurer, oversees the Association’s reserve funds and helps in preparing and advising the Board on the annual budget.
Landscape: Oversees and supervises plantings, project plans, and other matters pertaining to the building’s landscape in general.
Safety & Security: Works with the security staff on issues of concern and enhancements to building security.
Pool: Ensures the pool is ready for seasonal resident use, that safety and security measures are in place, and that pool maintenance is performed timely and properly.

The diagram depicts references to the location of units in the building. All units on the 2nd through the 17th floors in tier 01 are placed one above the other, and so forth from the bottom to the top of the building (with the exception of the 18th floor). The last two digits of the apartment numbers on these floors are the Tier numbers. From time to time you will hear references to activities in various “tiers” in the building, such as “a water shut-off will occur in tiers 8-12 at [specific date and time].” This is a short-hand way for Building Management to reference particular portions of the building that correspond to interconnected building system components. In this example, the water system for Tiers 8, 10, and 12 are interconnected and likewise, are all affected by a water shut-off.